FAQs - Sewage systems

FAQs - Questions and answers about sewage systems

I need a new drain. What should I choose?

  • contact your local environmental department and we can help you
  • find out which environmental and health protection levels apply to your property
    Here is an overview and decision support...

Is my current drain approved?

  • Treating your wastewater from individual drains requires treatment that goes beyond just sludge separation
  • Sewage systems require approval and must comply with official guidelines
  • You can contact the municipality to see if your current sewer system is approved

Does your wastewater treatment plant meet the current requirements of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?

  • all mini sewage systems we install are approved for a high level of protection according to EN 12566-3 and meet the requirements of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
  • it's about reducing phosphorus, nitrogen, nutrients and BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)
  • CE marked quality

How does a mini sewage treatment plant work?

  • most often, a mini wastewater treatment plant functions like a large municipal wastewater treatment plant, but on a smaller scale
  • there are also packet cleaners with passive filters
  • the common feature is that they are prefabricated compact systems

Do I have to sign a maintenance contract/inspection?

  • this is not legal obligation, but a service contract guarantees the operation of the wastewater treatment plant
  • we recommend concluding an agreement with our partners, e.g. Biovac
  • we are happy to help you along

Where do I buy consumables?

  • you can obtain flocculants, nutrient solutions or mud bags from our service partners

How much water does a sewage treatment plant purify for a household?

  • the mini sewage treatment plant from Biovac, for example, is able to purify at least 1000 l/day
  • total volume from 5.9 m3

What size does a 3-chamber well (sludge separator) have to be for a single-family home?

  • the volume must be at least 2 m³

How often and who should empty my 3-chamber well?

  • at least once a year through the service of the municipality

How does an infiltration system work and what is it?

  • this is the oldest and most common solution for wastewater treatment
  • the water is led from a three-chamber well to an infiltration bed,
    where the wastewater is mechanically cleaned by the structures of the soil

Do I need a percolation system/infiltration?

  • it is necessary to dig a test pit (at least 2 meters deep) at the designated location to check the soil condition (whether the material in the ground is permeable = seepage test), the groundwater level and the proximity to the bedrock
  • if the soil is compacted, an artificial infiltration bed must be built
  • we carry out this work and are happy to advise you

What is an earth bed and when do I need this solution?

  • it is an artificial infiltration bed that you need for dense soils, e.g. clay

Do I need phosphorus removal in my wastewater treatment plant?

  • if you have a high level of protection or want to create a dirt bed, you will need th

What does gray water mean?

  • this is wastewater from bathrooms, dishes and laundry, not from toilets

Hur stor plats tar en infiltration eller markbädd för gråvatten?

När man renar vatten i en markbaserad rening, så skall det alltid vara en slamavskiljare på minst två kammare och därefter leds vattnet vidare till bädden. Om man kan utföra en infiltrationsanläggning så blir bädden ca 20 m² och om man bygger en markbädd blir ytan ca 15 m²

Can I use the ROT-Avdrag to install a new cleaning plant?

  • under certain conditions*, you can deduct 30% of the labor costs for the ROT renovation
  • *you need the Swedish personal number and must pay Swedish taxes
  • we would be happy to advise you and you can find further information here

I have decided to get a new cleaning plant, how do we get started?

  • first we inspect your property in order to advise you and make a good offer
  • we will then help you apply for approval from the municipal environmental office
  • once we receive approval (this can take up to 6 weeks), we will begin installing your wastewater treatment system

How much does a new sewage system cost for my private household?

  • exact prices for private wastewater systems are difficult to give as a general estimate because the costs depend on various factors, such as the size of the system, the location and local regulations
  • we will visit you directly on site and will be happy to advise you and give you an overview
  • as local specialists, we have many years of experience in dealing with municipal guidelines and authorities
  • if you wish, we will make you an offer